Deutsch & Thomas Blog and Industry Analysis

Deutsch & Thomas, Inc. and its staff continually and actively research new aspects of varying industries, the economic environment, and new trends in business. Below are recently written synposes by Deutsch & Thomas staff members that address not only the issues that face entrepreneurs on a day to day basis, but also the current economic climate.

We encourage you to review the industry synopses written below to gain insight into the many industries that Deutsch & Thomas has developed business plans for over the past fourteen years.

Retail Establishments

Since launching Deutsch & Thomas, our firm has worked with approximately 600 retail establishments for the development of business plans. Among these companies, we have produced successful business plans for:

Real Estate Investment and Construction

In today’s challenging real estate markets, Deutsch & Thomas can assist you with the development of a business plan for your real estate investment, rehabilitation, or construction business. Over past four years, we have completed several hundred business plans that range from localized real estate investment firms to multi-million dollar construction companies. Within these business plans we heavily focus on discussing complex real estate issues such as capitalization rates, loan repayments, and economic stability for your real estate business.

Professional and Financial Services

During the past four years, Deutsch & Thomas has worked with a number of lawyers, accountants, insurance brokerages, financial advisors, and other professionals for the development of their practices and firms. We have a complete understanding of the complexities of operating these types of business including billing issues, issues pertaining to cash flow, and how to properly marketing your practice/firm to the general public.

Health and Life Sciences

Deutsch & Thomas has worked closely with a number of physicians, dentists, chiropractors, healthcare products distributors, allied health professionals, and other companies in the health and life sciences arena. We have a complete understanding of the complex Insurance, Medicare/Medicaid, billing, regulatory, and accounting issues that face these businesses on a day to day basis.

Our firm regularly reviews and monitors significant changes in political and economic policies that guide the operations of these professional health businesses and practices.

Media and Entertainment

As a media or entertainment firm, your goal is to provide your audience with enjoyable and insightful content with a focus on driving income from a number of revenue centers. Whether your income is derived from direct sales of media or sales of advertisements, Deutsch & Thomas can assist you with the development of a business plan that clearly showcases the many revenue streams obtained from media/entertainment development while concurrently focusing on the marketing/distribution methods used by these firms.

Technology and Communications

Developing a specialized technology or communications business can be a daunting task. Through a Deutsch & Thomas produced business plan, we can provide you with a document that clearly showcases your business model (in terms that can be understood by any reader) while focusing on the value proposition that you will provide to your customers and clients. Since our inception, we have worked with a number of technology and communications firms that have had a specific focuses on:

Not for Profit Organizations and Foundations

Deutsch & Thomas regular develops business plans for 501(c)(3) companies and foundations that provide charitable services to the community. Our firm can provide you with a business plan that not only showcases your organization’s mission, but also focuses on capital needs, donation/sponsorship solicitation, and how your organization will work to further its charitable goals.


App Developer Business Plan Writer

Automotive Repair Shop Business Plan Writer

Cannabis Business Plan Writer

Clothing Store Business Plan Writer

Convenience Store Business Plan Writer

Day Care Center Business Plan Writer

E-Commerce Website Business Plan Writer

Electrical Contractor Business Plan Writer

Event Planner Business Plan Writer

Film Production Business Plan Writer

Franchised Restaurant Business Plan Writer

Home Healthcare Agency Business Plan Writer

HVAC Contractor Business Plan Writer

Insurance Brokerage Business Plan Writer

Media Development Company Business Plan Writer

Microbrewery Business Plan Writer

Mortgage Bank Business Plan Writer

Mortgage Brokerage Business Plan Writer

Not for Profit Business Plan Writer

Property Rehabber Business Plan Writer

Real Estate Developer Business Plan Writer

Real Estate Investment Firm Business Plan Writer

Restaurant Business Plan Writer

Sports Bar Business Plan Writer

Trucking Company Business Plan Writer

Writing a Business Plan for an Advertising Agency

Writing a Business Plan for an Adult Day Care Center

Writing a Business Plan for an Apartment Complex

Writing a Business Plan for an Assisted Living Facility

Writing a Business Plan for a Bakery

Writing a Business Plan for a Banquet Hall

Writing a Business Plan for a Barber Shop

Writing a Business Plan for a Car Wash

Writing a Business Plan for a Catering Service

Writing a Business Plan for a Children's Entertainment Center

Writing a Business Plan for a Coffee Shop

Writing a Business Plan for a Concert and Event Promoter

Writing a Business Plan for a Concierge Service

Writing a Business Plan for a Credit Repair Service

Writing a Business Plan for Cryptocurrency Mining

Writing a Business Plan for a Day Spa

Writing a Business Plan for a Debt Collection Agency

Writing a Business Plan for a Dental Practice

Writing a Business Plan for a Drug Rehab Center

Writing a Business Plan for a Dry Cleaner

Writing a Business Plan for a Fitness Center

Writing a Business Plan for a Food Truck

Writing a Business Plan for a Gas Station

Writing a Business Plan for a Hair Salon

Writing a Business Plan for a Halfway House

Writing a Business Plan for a Hospice

Writing a Business Plan for a Hospital

Writing a Business Plan for an IT Consulting Firm

Writing a Business Plan for a Landscape Contractor

Writing a Business Plan for a Law Practice

Writing a Business Plan for a Liquor Store

Writing a Business Plan for a Medical Practice

Writing a Business Plan for a Medical Transportation Company

Writing a Business Plan for a Merchant Account Company

Writing a Business Plan for a Mobile Home Park

Writing a Business Plan for a Motel

Writing a Business Plan for a Pawn Shop

Writing a Business Plan for a Pharmacy

Writing a Business Plan for a Preschool

Writing a Business Plan for a Private Equity Group

Writing a Business Plan for a Property Management Firm

Writing a Business Plan for a Real Estate Brokerage

Writing a Business Plan for a Record Label

Writing a Business Plan for a Repo Company

Writing a Business Plan for a Roofing Contractor

Writing a Business Plan for a RV Park

Writing a Business Plan for Shooting Range

Writing a Business Plan for Short Term Property Rentals

Writing a Business Plan for a Software as a Service Company

Writing a Business Plan for a Solar Energy Farm

Writing a Business Plan for a Tattoo Shop

Writing a Business Plan for a Urgent Care Center

Writing a Business Plan for a Used Car Dealer

Writing a Business Plan for a Vape Shop

Writing a Business Plan for a Yoga Studio

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