Writing a Business Plan for a Hair Salon


Hair salons always remain as popular businesses given that people are always going to need a haircut as well as related beauty silent. Over the past 14 years, Deutsch and Thomas has developed a number of business plans for hair salons, nail salons, as well as many other businesses that specialize in personal aesthetics. We are familiar with all of the different revenue streams that can be generated through these businesses that lead from haircutting and styling, but also from coloring and other services that are common to this type of business. One of the nice things about owning and operating these businesses is that they are relatively immune from negative changes in the economy, and many financial institutions love to place capital with these businesses given the high gross margins and economic stability.


As with every business plan written by Deutsch and Thomas, we always develop a full five-year financial model for you that includes a profit and loss statement, cash flow analysis, balance sheet, breakeven analysis, common size income statement, and all applicable business metrics. Most importantly, we do all the local market research as it relates to the demographics and competitors that your business will face as it progresses through its operations. We also always include the standard industry analysis that is required of any well written business plan. One of the other things that we focus on within the business plan is the development of a marketing and advertising plan that showcases how your hair salon will be set apart from others in the market. This marketing and advertising plan includes both traditional forms of marketing as well as the very important online marketing as many people now find specific types of businesses online.


Hair salons are great businesses that own, and for a qualified Silas these can be lucrative small businesses. If you are interested in having a professionally written business plan done, please feel free to contact us anytime at 646-216-9844 or through the contact us form on this website.


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