Writing a Business Plan for a Debt Collection Agency


The United States has a substantial number of people that carry significant balances of debt. This includes mortgages, car loans, car leases, as well as credit card debt. From time to time, some people get behind on these payments and these accounts are referred to debt collection agencies. Debt collection can be a highly lucrative business with a highly experienced entrepreneur that understands the only how to work with debtors and creditors, but also is familiar with all of the federal and state laws that surround this type of business.


These businesses have modest startup costs, and some of these businesses can be started is very small companies with even just the owner-operator providing all necessary services. In some cases, debt collection agencies work not only on behalf of third parties, but also will acquire portfolios of debts that are in arrears for pennies on the dollar. Over the past 14 years, Deutsch and Thomas has worked with both types of companies as well as businesses that operate as both a third-party servicer and an acquisition company.


In each business plan and provide for clients, Deutsch and Thomas all provides all the necessary debt collection agency industry research while providing a full five-year financial model to the specifications of our client. The financial model includes a profit and loss statement, cash flow analysis, balance sheet, breakeven analysis, as well as all applicable business metrics. In the event that capital is being raised, Deutsch and Thomas thoroughly discusses how these funds will be used, how any debt will be repaid, or with the return on investment will be for a private investor. We also discuss some of the issues at these businesses face as they progress to their business operations. One of the other key things that we provide within the business plan is a full-scale marketing and advertising plan that showcases how the debt collection agency will work with its clients to recover unpaid debts.


If you are interested in having Deutsch and Thomas work with you to develop a professional business plan for your debt collection agency – please feel free to contact us anytime at 646-216-9844 or through the contact us form on this website. We look forward to working with you!


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